Traditionally, mental health treatment has been rooted in the diagnosis and management of symptoms with medications and psychotherapy. Here at The Mental Health Collective, we understand that recovery from mental illness doesn’t simply include symptom reduction – it also includes finding long-lasting fulfillment, purpose and joy in broader social contexts. “Functional Recovery”, is an integrative and evidence-based approach that helps clients beyond symptom management to achieve an overall improved quality of life.

In an analysis by Director William Dietz of George Washington University’s Global Center for Prevention and Wellness, reports of a declining national life expectancy due to overdoses and suicides share the theme of social shifts in the U.S. to “become less connected to each other in communities”. When returning to environments post-treatment that unearth feelings of loneliness, purposelessness and disconnectedness, the risk rises significantly for a mental health decline. However, symptoms of mental illness are often successfully treatable – when one seeks help, a notion that has been widely popularized as of late by celebrities, television characters, and professional athletes, many of whom have grown past mental illness to live full and prosperous lives.

At The Collective, we implement Functional Recovery from the moment doors open to the transition back to the home environment for the full alignment of clients’ psychological, emotional and social well-being. Beginning with a weekly treatment schedule, patients are provided a robust base of group and individual therapy sessions, psychiatry appointments, therapy and clinical appointments. However, we also specialize in integrating activities such as therapeutic yoga, art therapy, mindful meditation, culinary skills and massage alongside weekly outings to events, museums, natural wonders, volunteering opportunities and seminars to balance the clinical side of treatment for a comprehensive approach.

In leading patients to achieve full Functional Recovery, our highly-skilled clinicians work to address issues and deep-seated beliefs that hold clients back from a healthier, happier life. A carefully formulated full-day schedule includes regular nutrition and hydration, activity coupled with rest, clinical therapies and sleep treatment for restorative nights, all in the effort to cultivate the learning of long-term leisure, social and vocational skills that our patients can take beyond The Collective to build a life worth living.

Connecting patients to a meaningful life purpose for long-term recovery is what we’re all about at The Collective. Using the Functional Recovery approach to foster a healing environment free of judgment and stigma, we strive to move beyond symptom remission to improve overall wellness, quality of life and deep connection to the community with a sound mind and body. Connect with our community at The Collective today to learn more about the benefits of Functional Recovery in building self-efficacy, self-esteem and meaning in personal relationships and environments for long-term fulfillment!

-C. Fogarty



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